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SEO Copywriting: Elements & Best Practices

Written by Ritwik Ruia Tuesday, 19 May 2020 10:46
SEO copywriters create content with two objectives in mind: Content should be valuable, compelling and useful in some way to the reader Content should build the credibility and ‘domain authority’ of the underlying domain for specific phrases, which is achieved by seeding the content with carefully researched search terms Search…

Sure-fire Ways to Boost Website/Blog Traffic

Written by Ritwik Ruia Saturday, 07 March 2020 09:26
Digital world is here to stay and it is a platform to display your skills. You can have an amazing website or a Blog with unique content but if you don’t work hard to promote it as well it will not pick up traffic. SEO – Search Engine Optimization, SMM…
Digital Marketing activities today are essential for E-commerce sites to stand out against competitors, given the high amount of online clutter present in almost every single product and service category. DM activities significantly boost the number of eyeballs, footfalls and conversions, and play an important role in brand recognition, recall…

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Written by Ritwik Ruia Tuesday, 26 March 2019 06:31
Programmatic Advertising is touted to be the next big shift in online advertising. It is the process of purchasing ad space via automated software that relies on complex algorithms, enabling accurate audience targeting and ad personalization to generate better conversions on ad spends. Programmatic Advertising in general refers to “programmatic…

How To Drive More Visitors To Your Hotel With Digital Marketing

Written by Ritwik Ruia Monday, 11 March 2019 06:36
Digital Marketing activities are crucial for companies from the hospitality sector, whether their objectives are B2B or B2C. By Employing a combination of paid and organic digital marketing activities, you can build your brand, engage your audience, increase online traffic and optimize conversions – whether signups, enquiries or direct sales.…
General Data: All In One Solution For Your Data Management Needs According to research, filing a single file requires 5 minutes on an average. This average time doesn’t take into account time spent on document search and its retrieval. Spending time on printing and storing paper documents is hugely wasteful…
