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Content Management System

Take control of your website with a Content Management System (CMS)

Content Management Systems (CMSs) give you greater control over your website and allow you to make content & design related changes in a much more systematic manner using a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor - without technical expertise in most cases.CMSs by nature are also geared to evolve with the rapid developments and improvements taking place in the fields of web design and web development, making it easier to incorporate major environmental changes.

General Data understands your needs to keep your website relevant and updated, and provides its expertise in the form of dynamic website content delivery.
General Data has a proven track record of providing its clients with superior site architecture and research-enabled, client-centric web design. Strong CMS capabilities help convert casual visitors to highly engaged sales prospects. For client companies that want greater control on the content that appears on their websites, CMSs facilitate the ability for them to edit, update and manage their websites. We provide a simple secure-authentication based interface that allows you to login and make changes wherever and whenever you wish.

You can also setup authoring, publishing and admin related hierarchies that divvy up control of different aspects of your website to different people, so you can easily define roles for your various back-end stakeholders and track their activity.

CMS Features:

Our Content Management System offerings combine a unique mix of intuitive aesthetics and robust functionality. This combination allows you to target your customers in a better manner, drive enhanced levels of interaction with them and thus facilitate goal conversions – be it leaving an impression or conveying information, generating a lead or inquiry or closing an e-commerce transaction.

Our team of seasoned developers has expertise in the top CMSs’ such as Magento, Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla to provide high performance websites that can be easily managed,authored and edited at your end. Be it updates to product information, change in content, or new multimedia addition such as music, videos, animations; General Data ensures that you can keep the website under your control.

Our Solution Highlights:

  • Use of HTML5/CSS3 compliant programming
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly architecture
  • Easy integration with existing web apps & modules
  • Multimedia editing, scaling, cropping – ease of formatting
  • Enabling powerful add-ons & plugins within the site, related to social media, SEO, lead generation, user management, traffic analytics, shopping carts, etc.
  • Post-completion training in use of CMS
  • Upgrades to newer versions of CMS
  • Strong backup facility

Your specific CMS requirement is dependent on the scope and complexity of your site, and the features you want to incorporate. Further, it depends on your legacy and existing processes & workflows. Get in touch to learn how CMS integration will benefit you.

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